“ PDA to me doesn’t mean I cannot do as many things, it just means that I do more creative things or in a different manner. Finding solutions to problems that are  more out of the box thinking or unorthodox .When every task given to me requires me to work out and end result, I am not just working around the task itself, am working around the way my brain deems it, thus creating a mindset around the task itself, and creating a mindset of problem solving is required – I find myself creatively and quickly able to find a solution. Being able to assess dangers and place healthy boundaries. Being empathetic and drawn to people and have good communication skills.” …by Ivy (a 9 year old) “ It means you’re different from all other people. We are unique. One of a kind” … by Amelie (a 9 year old) “I like TV and Roblox, I don’t like loud noises and too many people, especially those that are older than me as  I’m worried I am going to be bullied. I know that I am clever but just need time to do things when I am ready.”

