What is good mental wellbeing?
Apparently is means that you are in a state of wellbeing when you feel good and function well in the world. However, in my life as a woman, mum, wife, carer etc. feeling good and functioning well, together at the same time, can be quite elusive.
I’ve asked myself many times ‘am I ok?’ or ‘am I coping”. Sometimes I just didn’t know. It was even worse when I compared myself to friends because then I felt like I certainly wasn’t functioning well and feeling good.
So, I have been dedicating time over the last few years to understand what these words genuinely mean and how essentially, I can help myself to feel good and function at the same time.
Wellbeing can take many forms and it’s all about living in a way that is good for you and good for your close family and the people living around you.
I was genuinely surprised when I stumbled across many schools of thoughts and resources that have aided me (and my family) that I have been able to add to my ‘wellbeing toolkit’.
I will share some useful resources on this page.
Support Groups
The Neurodiversity Centre has a large number of support groups that run on a weekly basis. See link below for more information.