Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress it’s the fear or nervousness of what is about to come. Intermittent anxiety’s part of everyday life like when going to an interview, giving a speech etc. Anxiety disorders are more than temporary. The feeling of anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. It can be intense to control and is out of proportion to the actual danger and can interfere with daily activities such as schoolwork, job performance and relationships. You might find that you want to avoid places or situations to prevent these feelings. If left untreated, the anxiety can worsen. There are several types of anxiety disorders including general anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety and phobia-related disorders. The effects on the body can range from: Panic attacks, a sense of doom, depression, breathing problems, loss of libido, extreme fatigue, headaches, hrritability, pounding heart, upset stomach, increase in blood pressure, muscle aches and pains. Diagnosis of an anxiety disorder: Your Dr will check your physical health and look
for signs and symptoms of an underlying medical condition. They may give you psychological evaluation which involves discussing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You can also complete a Generalised Anxiety Disorder seven-item (GAD-7) questionnaire. Find it on Google. Share your completed questionnaire with your Dr. Anxiety can be treated effectively, and one can lead a normal life again.
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#anxietydisorders #GAD-7